Sunday, November 2, 2008

Gas Prices

Gas is now at 3.59 per gallon, but who knows how long until that falls even further with the way things have been going lately. I remember this past summer when the price per gallon broke the 4.00 per gallon mark. I thought the world was ending. And then it just kept going up until it reached 4.79 per gallon. Today I spent ten bucks and got 2.77 gallons worth of gas in my car. To some of you that might not seem like a lot, but I have a little economy car, a Chevy Aveo to be precise, and 2.77 gallons gets me just over a quarter of a tank. My mpg is usually in the 25-35 range, depending how conservative I drive, so this will get me about 60 miles worth of driving, give or take five or ten miles. Well, maybe take away more than that because I tend to burn more gas when it’s colder out.

I usually gauge the price of gas by how much ten bucks can get me, because that’s usually all I like to put in my tank. If I spend more than ten bucks I feel like I’m burning a hole in my pocket or getting ripped off, or something like that. If gas ever gets back down to 2.00 per gallon then I’ll be able to buy a whopping half a tank of gas with my ten bucks.

I heard the other day that gas prices in Wyoming are down to 1.99 per gallon. And that gets me thinking. Up here in Alaska we are basically living on top of an ocean of oil, so why are we paying more for our natural resource than the states that we ship this natural resource to? I often daydream about having a Beverly Hillbillies experience and discovering oil in my backyard. I could be filthy rich. Well, at least that used to be the dream. I’m a little less greedy now. I think I would instead build a mini refinery to convert my oil to gasoline and then I would sell it to locals for .50 a gallon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you! The recent drops haven't done much. I go by what it takes to fill my tank when it is close to empty and it peaked at around $85!