Saturday, November 8, 2008

Email Hoax

I could not find any virus hoax in any of my email accounts, but I went to the website to research some email hoaxes that are out there. Here is some information that I found on one:

Osama Bin Laden virus warning
This actually used to be partially true. The message warns people that email are being sent which claim to contain pictures of Osama Bin Laden hanging himself but actually contain a virus. In 2004, messages were indeed being spread which claimed to contain such pictures. The messages themselves did not contain any virus, but they did link to a website which tried to trick visitors into installing a piece of software -called a Trojan- which would allow their computer to be taken over by the perpetrators.However, the website the message linked to is no longer available, and the misleading messages are no longer being sent.Which brings us to the big problem with messages asking you to send them on to all your friends: There's no stopping them! So, as long as Bin Laden is still at large, this warning will keep going.

I actually remember hearing about this one several years ago and got an email from a friend of mine describing this hoax. The best rule to adopt is that if the email isn't from someone you know, or if from someone you know but out of bounds with what they usually send you, be very suspicious. And if it sounds stupid then it probably is. Some hoaxes I hear about people falling for a just ridiculous.

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