Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bitmap and Vectors

Here are three graphic design examples I found on the Internet:

The first example is a very simple ad setup that uses bitmapping to paste text graphics onto a picture. Also a border style was added to the picture to make it appear as though is was torn out of a newspaper or magazine.

The second example uses a combination of bitmapping and vector tools. It looks like the designers took an ordinary picture and made some modifications to it. The original photograph was black and white and then the sky section was cropped out via the magic wand and lasso tools. The remaining photo was layered over a background created with vectors that created the orange and reddish rays appearing to come out of the center of the picture. This graphic also utilizes text effects and border effects.

The third example is a good example of vectoring. It was probably creating entirely through the use of vectoring tools, the end result being and attractive collage of shapes and lines with the only recognizable realism being the silhouette of a man's head and neck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your assessment of all three!