Thursday, October 2, 2008

Careers in Web Development

As I've probably mentioned before, I'm in this degree program to pursue a career in the IT field. Today I've been doing a little research in the field of Web Development and what my options would be. It looks like I could either work for a company, start my own company, or be a freelancer. Working for a company would probably be my best bet, especially since I'll be coming right out of college and barely wet behind the ears in the field. This would be a good chance to gain some experience and see how the business works before embarking on my own entrepreneurial ventures.

Contract work is another option. This is what my brother is currently doing for Anchorage Daily News. He did have a full time job for them, but when he and his wife recently moved to Washington, they offered to have him stay on the payroll through contract work. They're paying him $1,000 a week to work on their web sites. Not too bad, if you ask me.

As soon as I complete this degree, I'll be looking for a steady job in the IT field, preferably with a creative emphasis, and then from there I'll hone my skills and learn the business and start thinking about the possibility of my own business.

Here's another interesting thing I found. There are three styles of web developer: content developer, designer/graphic artist, and coder/programmer. To ensure the best opportunities, it would probably be best to become proficient in all three.

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