Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Reaction to the Book Introduction

After reading the Introduction to the course book, I have a better and clearer understanding of this course and what I will be learning in it. Not only that, but it gives me a much clearer picture of the field I am getting into and the career opportunities that await me. Before enrolling in this degree, I did research into the field and into the possibilities for my future once finishing this degree. Reading the introduction to this book helps me to better understand the path I am heading down.

The certification breakdown in "Figure 1" on page xiii is especially helpful as it shows the different career paths that each CompTIA A+ certification can lead to, and while I haven't decided exactly what direction I want to go with this, it is definitely something I can start thinking and making plans for now. The certification internet links provided were also helpful.

I have read from several different sources that the Information Technology field is growing, which is one of the reasons I've decided to pursue a degree in it, and reading the book introduction was another confirmation that I am making a good choice.

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