Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Wiki Way

"Wiki" was a word I'd never heard before this lesson. I'm sure I would have associated it with Wikipedia.com, or maybe only thoughts of Hawaiian beaches would have been induced, but the concept of it was completely foreign to me. I believe Wikipedia to be the only website featuring wiki software that I have encountered, but I'm sure I will be much more aware now that I have learned about it.

It appears to me to be a very useful concept, as I could identify plenty with the "Wikis in Plain English" video. In terms of planning events and organizing efforts it is much more efficient and organized than email or instant messaging. All the information needed is in one location rather than spread out over several, and the fact that this information can be edited by its users makes it even more of a convenience.

As of right now, I don't see any immediate need for me to use wikis. However, in the not to distant future I do foresee an instance where it would be handy. Several of my brothers and I are trying to plan a trip to Hawaii with some people next Spring, and doing thing the wiki way would be an excellent way of coordinating our plans concerning flights, hotels, etc..

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