Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An Introduction

This used to be my least favorite part in grade school. On the first day of school all the teachers would go around the room and have everyone give a spoken introduction of themselves. The horror continued into college where I realized that it wasn't just high school teachers that liked to torture me, but college professors as well. But the fact that this is a written introduction rather than a spoken one where one could worry about their voice cracking or making some lame attempt at a joke that only ends in feeling stupid makes me cringe slightly less.

First of, as you can tell, I like to use sarcasm whenever necessary, and sometimes when unnecessary, but never when it is without purpose. I am taking this class as a requirement for my IT degree through UAF. Web and graphic design particularly interest me, although I am willing to learning the more technical side of IT as well to increase my marketability in the IT job market. I don't have any current work on the web, but once I finish my degree I would like to put together a portfolio for the viewing pleasure of potential employers.

I'm currently working as a parts advisor at the Chrysler dealership in Kenai. It has been an interesting ride since I started here, as anyone can imagine with the present condition of the automotive industry. We actually closed and reopened within a week back in January. Things are looking better for us now, even though Chrysler has closed over 800 dealerships across the US.

I've had a modest amount of experience with social software. Years ago I was talked into creating a myspace. It was fun and useful for keeping in contact with friends. I also used to record my own music so I used my myspace page to post my songs on the web. My profile has become stagnant as of late due to the lack of time to keep in touch with people via it, but my wife just opened up a facebook account for the both of us so maybe it'll be a little better if she's in charge of running it.

There's not much else to say expect that I'm looking forward to learning more in this class and in future classes that I will be taking.

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