Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Flickr & Diigo

Flickr and Diigo are very similar in that they both utilize social software to share information. Flickr gives you the opportunity to share pictures and Diigo allows you to share Internet bookmarks. I thought they both were really interesting and do serve a useful purpose other than personal enlightenment. Both would be useful for researching information. Say, for example, if you were interested in visiting Rome you could look for link to websites about Rome on Diigo or search for pictures of places to see on Flickr.

The only other sharing website I have used that is similar to these is PhotoBucket, but it does not have the search ability and user options that Flickr has. Unless they have changed since I last used them, they only offer the option of storing and posting your pictures for others to see. They don't the social networking aspect that Flickr has.

I'm not sure how much I will continue to use Flickr and Diigo. If I do use one, it would probably be Diigo because there are times when I am researching things online. Diigo would be a great resource for this.

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