Monday, February 23, 2009

Reflection on Fields

This week helped open up my eyes to the extensive possibilities available with the Access software. I didn't find any field type to be difficult to create or even understand. Several might have had me blinking at the screen for a few minutes until their purpose clicked in my brain, but this momentary confusion lasted mere milliseconds. The book is very straight forward and explains things really well. Also, the pictures in it really help to help me make sure I'm on the right track because they correspond with the steps listed. It's actually the most easily understood text book I've ever used. Gone are the days of "boring", 2D spreadsheets. Access offers a multidimensional way to for the user to record information.

1 comment:

Bernard Von Poobely said...

I'm happy you're finding it easy to understand. Once you have these basics down you'll be in good position to move on to the harder stuff. Glad you like the textbook :)