Friday, February 13, 2009

More on my Final Project Idea

I have decided to make the purpose of my final project to organize my bills and hash out a budget. The two tables I created for this week's assignment (bills and due dates & amounts) I'm going to use for the project, but I'm also going to create several others. I want a tables for total debt amounts, which will have some bills that are not on the previous two tables since these two are only for bills I am paying at the moment and not ones that are in deferment, such as student loans.

I want this table to show the total amounts due on debts and the companies I owe. The first two tables I created a one-to-one relationship for with the "company name" being the relating field. I'd also relate the third table to these two with the company names that they share. I haven't decided yet what I could use a fourth table for, but I would like it to relate somehow to the debts table. Maybe a table that shows how long it would take to pay off each debt.

1 comment:

Bernard Von Poobely said...

Good. I think a fourth table based on what you said - time of pay off might be useful for you.